Dr Ekatherina Charvalos is a medical doctor, specialist in laboratory medicine, clinical and molecular microbiology. She is the Head of Medical Research & Innovation department and previously director of Central Laboratories, at IASO Clinic, one of the biggest private women’s hospitals in Europe. She is the medical advisor and head of molecular biology Dept of the reference lab InvitroLabs in Athens.
Dr Charvalos clinical experience encompasses senior hospital and academic positions in Europe, US and the Gulf area. She has been assistant Professor at the University of Crete and Professor of medical and molecular microbiology and research methodology at the University of West Attica (former Technological Institution of Athens). She has been detached as national expert at the EU Commission DG Research, Dir L, Science Economy and Society, Unit L4, Scientific culture and gender issues. Her continuing education includes a sabbatical year at Tufts Center for Adaptation genetics and drug resistance, and at Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, Catholic University of Leuven. She is the author of about 50 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, more than 200 congress presentations and six books of her specialty. She got seven awards/honours for her team research. She is an expert of Ministries, Gulf Cooperation countries (GCC) (2015-2016), FNRS and, expert/evaluator in FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Eurostars, reviewer and member of editorial board at international journals. For the last 10 years Prof Charvalos is involved in several scientific multidisciplinary projects, most of which encounter new biomarkers in cancer, women and children’s health and COVID 19. She is interested in European research and international cooperation strategy, harm reduction policies, and gender issues in research.
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