Michael G. Toumbis
MD, PhD, FCCP, Pneumonologist
President of the Cyprus Institute of Respiratory Diseases
Michael G Toumbis, Pneumonologist, has a PhD from the Medical School of the University of Athens. He is Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians.
Employment history and consulting services:
- Former Director of Respiratory Department (1996-2017), General Hospital of Chest Diseases, Athens, Greece.
- Member of the Consecutive Committee, and Head of the Scientific Group for Smoking Cessation, Hellenic Thoracic Society.
- Member of the Committee against smoking, and member of the Committee for the new smoking products, Ministry of Health, Greece (since 2014).
- Member of the Smoking Committee, Cyprus National Addictions Authority (since 2018).
- Collaborator of European University of Cyprus and University of Nicosia, Cyprus.
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