THR challenges & prospect: From scientific evidence to people’s needs satisfaction
SCOHRE is an International scientific Association of independent experts on Smoking Control & Harm Reduction that seeks an open and constructive dialogue to help come up with a better approach to the global burden of smoking. Smoking cessation and prevention remain the most impactful, cost-effective interventions in medicine, but the global burden of smoking is still growing.
We, at SCOHRE, believe that existing smoking control strategies should be complemented with harm reduction i.e., through alternative lower risk products use that will replace conventional combustible cigarettes. Nicotine has an addictive potential but plays a minor role in smoking related mortality. Where cessation repeatedly fails, switching to less harmful products is expected to result in benefits for many smokers.
It is a common goal to provide stakeholders with science-based and balanced information on the effects of nicotine, to raise awareness on existing knowledge on Tobacco harm Reduction, and benefit from already existing solid expertise in many countries…
THR organizations and THR experts participate in an open discussion with other THR and scientific organizations to explore how:
- To create more opportunities for education of health policy experts, regulators, and the public
- To advocate for new research to generate more evidence to cast out all doubt
- To advocate that policies become evidence-based
- To advocate that the generation of evidence (data) is unrestricted
- To share your experience and ideas on the above
- To connect with SCOHRE and other organizations
Lina Nikolopoulou – SCOHRE Director, Greece
Solomon T. Rataemane – THR Expert, South Africa
Organisations representatives
- European Medical Association (EMA) || Manuel Pais-Clemente
- European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA) | Tom Gleeson
- International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO) | Charles Gardner
- Hungarian Scientific Association for Harm Reduction and Environmental Diseases {Hungary} | Emil Toldy-Schedel
- Platform for the Reduction of Harm due to Tobacco Consumption {Spain} | Fernando Fernández Bueno
- Indonesian Tar Free Coalition (KABAR) {Indonesia} | Amaliya Amaliya & Muhammad-Ilham Karim
- DIRETA {Brazil} | Alexandro Lucian
Tunisian Society of Tobaccology and Addictive Behaviors (STTACA) {Tunisia} | Fares Mili
- SCOHRE – International Association on Smoking Control & Harm Reduction || Ignatios Ikonomidis
*Live streamed – Open to the public